Brief Bio

I am Professor of Sport Management at the University of Michigan. I also consult occasionally.  Read all about that and get all my contact info here.

I received my PhD from Caltech in 1985.  After 23 years in an economics department, I moved to sport management at the University of Michigan in 2007. I teach Sports Economics.  If you know my textbook, Sports Economics, you really should check out Version 1.0 at iBooks. I’m very excited about it! You know my books with Jim Quirk, Pay Dirt and Hardball (both Princeton University Press).

According to my book jacket notes I'm a recognized authority on sports economics and business, both in the U.S. and internationally. I have the requisite "dozens of articles and monographs" that cover sports topics as diverse as cross-subsidies in U.S. sports leagues, predatory behavior by Major League Baseball toward African American Baseball Leagues during integration, the time series analysis of competitive balance and attendance, and comparative analysis of North American and world sports leagues. I'm published in dozens of journals including the American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Literature, Economic Inquiry, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, and the Journal of Sports Economics. I also serve on the editorial boards of the Journal of Sports Economics, Eastern Economic Journal, International Journal of Sport Finance, and Managerial & Decision Economics.  I am an honorary vice-president of the International Association of Sports Economists.

I comment regularly on sports issues on radio, TV, and streaming media outlets and enjoyed the opportunity to appear on Hockey Night in Canada with host Ron MacLean.  Members of the media chat with me all the time.

I've been featured at seminars and conferences at University College Cork (Ireland), the Marquette University Law School, the NCAA annual meetings, University of Zurich, University of Georgia, Stanford University, Concordia University in Montreal, the University of Florida, the University of Oregon, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, University of Antwerp, Temple University, Washington University, Tufts University, Clemson University, The Brookings Institution, The Independent Inhstitute in Oakland, and Middlebury College.

It has been my good fortune to be invited for presentations at international sports congresses in Gijon, Spain; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Cologne, Germany; and Neuchatel, Switzerland.

I've testified before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and submitted testimony to the New Zealand Competition Commission.  My consulting has been mainly on Antitrust, Stadiums and Leases, and Valuation issues in sports.